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Hi there!

Let's try to figure this out.

  1. Are you using MV or MZ?
  2. Are you using any other plugin that can mess with font or message settings? If yes, can you try to change their order on the plugin manager? If it still doesn't work, can you send me a screenshot of your plugin manager?
  3. Did you try to change the outline through escape codes or through the plugin parameter?
(1 edit)

1) MZ, 2) I'm troubleshooting/testing with all non-Eli plugins disabled. (Just Book, Font Manager Pro, and Message Actions.) 3) The plugin parameters.

Thanks for the info! So, I tested it here, and it seems to work fine. 

  • With Outline Width = 6
  • With Outline Width = 0

Since you are using Message Actions, maybe you can use the Font Manager plugin above it? At last, this is how it is here. At least for now, I'm not aware that the position of these two plugins matters, but who knows, maybe I will discover this now xD

The version of the plugins:

  • Eli Book 5.1.1
  • Font Manager Pro 5.0.1
  • Message Actions 5.0.3

Another thing that comes to my mind is: Do you have more than one font assigned to be used on the Message Window? Because maybe you are changing the parameters of one font, but another one is that was being used after all. So maybe you can check this too?

If everything fails, can you send me a test project reproducing the problem?

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks! I answered you on your other comment. Can you take a look at it, and if everything fails, can you send me a project reproducing the issue so I can take a look?

Ok, thank you, it may not be the "outline width" but some other "shadow/blur" effect going on or something with PIXI. You can see how large the "blur" is on the other screenshot.


Yes, I saw the Blur on this other screenshot. That Blur on the fonts of RPG Maker is a nightmare. There is a lot of complaint about that on the forums. I once struggled with it, and honestly, I did not find a solution for it. I used some plugins to sharpen the text, but they ended up causing performance issues or other problems. Also, I notice that happens with some fonts and others not.

In the end, the only solution I could find is to create a bitmap font plugin, so the letters are rendered just like the bitmap font is. Bitmap = png.

So, I can think of we can do two things here:

  1. Send me a sample project reproducing this error, this blur thing. So I can take a look at it and see if I manage to figure this out.
  2. I can give you a free key for the Bitmap Font Pro plugin so you can test it and see if it will solve your problem instead. It has a little bit more setup to do though.

Thanks, unfortunately I don't think my font will work as a bitmap for technical reasons. And I think my problem here is RM/PIXI, not the plugin, so I'm going to try switching to image buttons instead. Just take the issue out of RM's hands entirely!

Got it! I hope you manage to solve it ^^

Just another try, since you are using Eli Book, try opening this file with a text editor and comment on these two lines (983 and 989) by putting a double "//" at the beginning of the line, like on the screenshot. See if perhaps this will solve the problem... It is just a guess, I don't know if it will really solve it. But just maybe...

In-game shot