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I get this request a lot, but also here I'm bound to the limits of Godot 3.x.  I don't have access direct to the OpenGL API, so there is a problem with uploading the textures. I can't define the textures as streaming textures, so the textures don’t get uploaded to a fast access memory -> uploading == slow. With 4.0 and Vulkan it will change in Godot maybe.

So, I have 5 textures and if I need to stream, let us say in a extreme case, 5 * 2048 * 2048 * 4 bytes each frame! So, the upstreaming of the textures will take a "while" and cases lags and this results in a not so fluid drawing experience.

At the moment, I didn't found a way to increase the performance with Godot 3.4 with higher resolutions.

Hey, thank you for your response! I think it's a pity, and I hope it gets solved in Godot 4.0! But in the meantime, how difficult/inconvenient would it be to add an option in settings of enabling higher res textures "at your own risk"?