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Salut les cyclistes glauques rêvant de troncs à raboter!

This project made me dragaŋ[0] as I made my merry way to Beaupont today, for which I'm grateful.

I believe it was Foucault who once said, "Pour réagir face à cette rigueur de l'époque actuelle, je vous demande d'expérimenter la simultanéité des décisions réalisables, avec beaucoup de recul."

Which is something I think we could all do today.


[0] dragaŋ: to sing; to produce harmonious sounds with one's voice
(1 edit)

Together your tool & my tool[0] can take over the world:

Ah, yes, here's a clip of that Foucault quote:

[0] Disclosure: I did not, in fact, use my tool to create these clips--I just used Larynx's built-in web UI--but I totally could have used my tool. :D