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(1 edit)

Yeah I'm not too much for horror, and I'd probably not have played it if I had seen this genre mentionded in the description *before* I'd seen the Guide's artwork and was bewitched by the light and shadow in his protrait. xD

I love d this one mostly because the storytelling doesn't focus too much on the horror element, it doesn't feel like gratuitous jump scares: the reason behind it makes sence and the dark places of the word turn up morally ambiguous in a way that no one is really to blame. Two of the endings give hope by showing good will in the shadiest of characters' Despite of the sad realisations, this makes the whole experience a bit uplifting in the end. Just like the mesmerizing light the Guide's sprite carries about himself.  X,] 

Thanks for this experience!

Haha, thank you so much! I'm glad the Guide was intriguing for you and that you were able to enjoy the experience even though you don't normally play horror.