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Hey mate, everything's on the table. Depends on if and how carts will get produced or not.

Does the Neo Geo have a big CD community? 

(1 edit)

i think you will sold more CD version than cartridge version. 

I think with a name like "neogeocdworld" you might be a bit partial... ;) :D

My current plan is to finalize the cart versions first off and then go for a CD version (which needs a different loading system to work) if feedback is good.

it might be worthing asking the developer of Hypernoid Tigerskunk to see how well that's sold/selling

One more request for NGCD version.

Let's see. A CD version would need a very different setup, though. Since you need to have loaders, etc, instead of just accessing the ROMs.
on the other hand, I won't have the hassle with the cart production on my neck, which is super expensive and difficult.
Really, no idea yet. Will see in mid 2023, and can give you an answer then.. :)