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(3 edits)

I'm stuck as I seem to have run into a bug with the hints - the current hint says 'give the protection potion to the smith' even though I already have given it to him.  I'm currently trying to find a way of finding the florist's ring and a way of identifying the safe mushrooms.

A few more small bugs to report:

‘You’ll need to pick it up to read it’ shows up when reading the note in the jewelry box, as Rovarsson mentioned below.

You can go north to the castle from where the guard is standing but you can’t do anything there – is this supposed to happen?

The old woman talks about having taken the potion ('now I can visit my grandson...') before she’s taken it.

Rogue extra ‘Who are you talking to?’ response when I talk to the fisherman after he's moved to the bridge.

Enjoying this, hope to finish it soon!


Thank you Dee!!

I fixed the issue with the hint system... I think. As well as the other little bugs. Hopefully there is nothing else blocking you from finishing at this point 🤦🏻‍♀️