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OMG. my glob do i love itttttt. i love the concept. i always wanted a typing game that was fun, and that was really fun. Wouldve like a bit more sound effects. And i would've also liked to be able to see how i lost (aka what element went to zero). Like an image of the MC sad, or sick, or broke, or alone (but caricatured...or else it's just sad). And if you get all the stats up to a certain level you get a "overall doing great boost". idk im just rambling. TTThe point is, i like. GooOoOd stuffff


glad you enjoyed the game!
I agree, keyboard typing sounds and a couple of sounds indicating attributes going up & down would've been nice

btw i was going to add the 'MC lose' thing you mentioned and a couple of random MC images chilling in the break session initially, but i decided to ditch those feature entirely because of the time constraint lol. maybe i'll add those stuff later when the time allows