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What helped me was to start with very small sprites, 8x8 even, and moving up to 16x16 or 24x24 once I had some practice. Even then, it helped to block out bigger areas of the larger sprites and only then return to add details. Also, I say this to everyone, regardless of artistic medium: use limited, well-defined color palettes. It's a lot easier to pick colors, and to keep your style consistent. And you need surprisingly few colors to make vibrant, rich art.


I wont lie... I just started making characters for my dream game with 24 x 24 and for a novice i liked it, that just it.

Then I searched on Youtube and I came across this mate called aarthificial, I liked his art and devoted myself to it... but since I'm copying his art I feel empty, becouse I'm not being creative. 


Nah, it's normal to imitate at first. Your own style will take shape in time.


Thanks for the tip mate.