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Tunky: Good stuff, like the original but with a slightly trickier AI ensuring the game is not as easy as the original. The expanded ending is a nice touch and I'm glad there's a checkpoint before it.

Bunky: Just like the original I kinda hate it lol. I just don't understand how Bunky works and don't think I've ever been able to escape once I've been spotted, goes for the original and this remake haha. I did play through it on practice mode to see if there was something I was missing (there wasn't) and I assume the ending section here is also new? I feel it is a bit too much trial and error until you just memorize every move to make.

Sunky: Brilliant! Took a little while to learn how it works but once you get that, this AI is fantastic. This one feels completely skill-based. The one addition I'd suggest is maybe some sort of muffled effect to her noises if she's on a different floor from your current one.

(2 edits)

The BUNKY second phase should have trails of blood leading to a chunk of meat surrounded by loud flies. This is your hiding spot. The only other way I can make it more intuitive is to add big neon arrows, or make BUNKY Crazed less aggressive (and that would defeat his entire purpose and original concept). Unfortunately, I'm going for a bit more of a natural approach in my games instead of clogging the game with UI.

The SUNKY map has been heavily muffled, audio volume cut in half and modified quite a few times over. I will attempt to muffle it further in v2 without destroying the audio files.

Thanks for the feedback.

Edit 2: Sorry, my response was quick and clunky originally lol. I was out running errands and my phone apparently hates typing.

Right, I did figure the meat hiding places eventually. I just think it would be better to have his path be random like his movement in the main game, but also not have him see a single pixel of you result in instant death.

And I think the volume of Sunky's noises is fine, I mean you want to hear her, just some places you run to can be very far from a staircase so if you go to it on the wrong floor you wont have enough time to correct your mistake.

I might mess with his sight range a little in the update. As far as SUNKY goes, I don't plan on extending the range on her audio. The player is given a chunky 60 seconds the first time they are caught, and that time lessens with each capture. The point is to not get caught at all. The hide-and-seek mechanic in general was more of a courtesy to the player to keep the base game easy and the harder difficulties more streamlined in regards to their pacing. 

So is your issue the range at which you can hear SUNKY, or being able to tell what floor she's on?

My goal with this game was not to make it a walk in the park for the player either. It is meant to be a challenge, as opposed to the puzzle and walking simulator horror games you usually see.

Just the ability to know if shes above/below you.

And of course, making the games too easy wouldn't improve them. But it's different dying knowing you effed up compared to dying just becuz.

True. Thanks for the feedback!


OH and to escape BUNKY you just lock the door when you enter a room. It's in the instructions before you play the game. Same with the original BUNKY game by Dave.