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small question, Is dagio dead? And he's just living here at paradise to take a rest?

Dagio is having an out of body experience, so very technically dead.

so he can get out of paradise and get back to earth? If not, then whos that dagio on earth?

1.  Yes.  

2.  A demon wearing Dagio's body, and taking it for a spin  =3

hmm?? so he can basically go back to his own body on earth whenever he wants??

(1 edit)

and how about hypers route? do i have to reject all choices? (the part where u wake up after that incident)

I'd actually would like to know that too

question, is dagio even taller than the image shown in the game? reason why i questioned this is because of the legs of daio. Would be funny if dagio height is the same as the image because his legs would be short