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I remember this game from YourBr0ther's stream! I just tried it myself too, and I loved it! 
The character evolving through the game was my favorite part, and I liked the grappling hook gameplay. I confess I wasn't expecting to hear The Godfather's theme in this game, I laughed so hard when it started to play! When the game closed itself I felt bad for it, but I was still laughing because of the music XD
Great game, congrats for your entry! ^^

Thanks for the compliments,the ending  was pretty rushed.Like the 30minutes before the  submissions closed I was working on the ending level platforms.I was planning on making a giant chase scene where the player was being chased by the" deleter"(But it didn't make it in,because of time).

Glad to hear you felt something at the end,when submitting I was really worried that people wouldn't like the ending.

Thanks for playing my game :D