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Thanks a lot for your help. :-)

I think I'm getting close, but not quite there yet.
The errors are now reduced to these 3:

Config file didn't load. Error code: 7.000000

   At: res://addons/godot-playfab/PlayFabClientConfig/

No telemetry events to flush

   At: res://addons/godot-playfab/

No playstream events to flush

   At: res://addons/godot-playfab/

No telemetry events to flush

From what I understand the config file is not being created or found (I cannot find it either with a standard search in Windows 10).
Thanks and take care

(1 edit)

This is expected. The config file does not exist on the first launch. It is there to persist login data in an encrypted format.

But this is good feedback - I should remove the debug print 😂

Created a tracking issue:

Fixed - new release uploaded to itch!

Thank you so much for reporting this!

Btw, the config file is located in the user’s game data folder, which you can open via the Godot Editor:

I still cannot get this to work for some reason. Would you be available for contract work to get this integrated into my game? Basically sending and receiving integer results to/from PlayFab for populating leaderboards.

Hey there! I was thinking about whether you got it to work the other day! I’ll try and send you a private message. I’d love to help you get this to work.