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Took me a little while to get around to this but it's a great game and you should be pleased with it! In particular I liked the idea of "capturing" enemy ships, it was a creative take on the theme. I will say that it took me til my first death (which was about 5 minutes in ;)) til I noticed I could do that (thanks to the on-screen prompt). It's also pretty tricky to balance capturing enemies and actually moving around!

My main gripe, though, is the controls. It's waaaayyy too slippy - I wanted to have much better control over where I was positioned, and inertia just makes it feel like I died due to the game moving me in ways I didn't want to move!

Visually it's great, I love bloom and the pixel art works. There's a little visual glitch with the player - since (I think) you're moving the player with physics, you'll have to set the cinemachine camera mode to Fixed Update, or move your camera in the FixedUpdate function.