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This game was definitely way too short. And almost everyone is calling it a horror game. Doesn't seem like one. I wasn't scared at all and the ending was disappointing cause it just doesn't seem to fit what is happening with the story that you explain in the description. The atmosphere was creepy but that's about it. Also don't know why there was a ghost dude on my bed. I really wish I could say something positive about the game but hopefully you'll appreciate my feed back nonetheless. Good luck with any updates.


Understandable that it didn't click with you! No hard feelings and we definitely appreciate any and all constructive feedback.

The ending was a result of the game jam theme (April Fools) and we knew it wasn't going to work for everyone. Our big focus on the game was seeing if we could create a creepy atmosphere and it sounds like we at least delivered that. We're currently in the pre-production stages of a longer more serious horror game and maybe you'll like that one a little more.

Thanks for playing! :)