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I just tried to side load this and its failing not sure if its the game or the side loader. Its saying the pdxinfo is missing but I see it in the zip

Thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately, I've heard this from a few different people. I don't have one yet, so I can't troubleshoot the issue at the moment.

Thank you for checking out the game though!

Hopefully I can get it sorted out in the near future.


no worries honestly I think it's more on panic. Love that people are developing stuff already


That issue seems to be fixed now, was an issue on Panic's side!

Oh that's great news!

So you were able to just drop in the .zip file and everything worked normally for you?


I actually had to unzip, put it in its own folder with the same name as the zip and rezip it, it was stating an error with finding a top-level .pdx file. Basically after the structure was .zip -> <folder>.pdx -> gamefiles, I was able to upload and play just fine!

Thank you for the additional details! I updated the .zip file again and hopefully it will work normally now.

The updated zip allowed me to upload to panic but it didn't install. Wanted to give that feedback.


same for me

I actually just fixed it!

Apparently windows 11 built in zip utility was breaking the zip file somehow.

I re-zipped it using 7zip and I was able to confirm on a physical device that it should now be working normally.

Sorry for all the confusion everyone! Thank you for checking out the game and for your patience!