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The I-word fetish is that popular nowdays? I mean, I've played a few games myself but didn't know other people were ONLY into that. Some say the pandemic plays a big part in this sudden appreciation of the I-word thing, others say that it is purely society itself changing (at least in it's outer circles) but what do I know about that. 

About LH on Steam... I think I can support that idea, even if it means not playing the game. A few game devs who put their games on Steam ended up having to price the game on as well (ex: My New Memories, by Killer himself), but not all of them which is strange. You deserve the support, man. But at the end of the day, it's up to you and the "logistics" of a devs life.

Also, stop make me thrilled for Serenity! I miss this game! 

As it turns out, none of my games will ever be on Steam because of the graphics engine used to create them. Killer's game (My New Memories) is made with Daz and that one is safe. Mine is made with HS2 which apparently there is some legal thing that won't allow us to "sell" those games on Steam. Basically, I am working for 'donations' and not really selling Serenity (or LH for that matter) since 2 weeks after beta, I am releasing it free to the public anyway. So, that's that. No Steam to worry about. Actually kinda relieved to be honest.