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A lewd scene with the Chef would have been a fun one. She's got a fun personality to write for and that could have gotten into some kinky stuff. I'll never say never, and maybe someday it'll get added ;3 

Spoilers below

And the easiest way way to save blinki is either to give Ravonaar Izzy's story, or to make up an address when asked where he lives. One of those two should work

The kind stranger is the purple argonian in the first scene. He's missable and only appears if you go outside with no clothes or by seeing the mini scene in that free explore section.  

Thanks.  I realized the characters I love are Zion, Jane, Angel, Chef, Io, and Radolf.  Hard to chose just one and I don't know if that's a bad thing. Would've liked to see a female xenomorph created where you could get taken away to breed a queen.  Just fantasies.  Love the game.

Good to know that.

The kind stranger is the one I saw in the 1st part giving me a.. pamphlet and in the sheriff part?

Yep they're the same character ^^ sort of a mysterious unknown stranger