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Hello, first question I guess. What version are you running currently? The most recent is The game tells you what version you are on There was a large change to the quest log in the past patch but as far as I know you are the first one to have issues post hotfix.

As far as quests go the patch shouldn’t have effected them. However it would have cleared your quest log because of how the game changed. These changes also made most quests far harder to obtain. The goal was that you wouldn’t be able to accept a quest without having the means to complete it.

Did you have quests in your log prior to the patch? Also did the “A Bigger Bag” quest just appear twice on its own, and had you already completed it before?

The characters mentioned on the wiki were datamined. If you go into the game files you can find their dialogue sprite work but they aren’t in the game yet.

As for the missing quests for the marinade pan etc did you already do them in this playthrough or no?

As for the black stout thing that is strange, but 100% a bug. Do you remember any item you clicked on to make that sort of thing happen?

My reply is below this post, since I forgot to click the "reply" to your post I guess you didn't get a notice.