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A member registered Oct 21, 2019

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Thank you so so much <3

I understand, and it's not a problem. 

I will just buy it again on steam at a later date when achievements are added. :)

I would really appreciate it if you would bother to take the time to check my save files. I mailed them to you. Thank you SO much for doing it. <3

I used to play your game back when it was free to download. But didn't actually buy the game before recently. (Itch says it's 12 days since now).

My game was bug-free and fine, but what actually started to create the issue first I am not sure of.  But before I got the alchemy table I had not found any problems. 

The day all problems started I played for many hours, so not 100% sure what started first. Sorry. But all the troubles/bugs appeared on the same real-life day. I downloaded the patch to fix shiny shales since I saw you posted about it on steam. And as I said I am pretty sure I got a quest from Caleb but did not complete I believe - but it's not showing in my quest log now - and Caleb shows me no quests now.

Sorry I can't recall better in what order the problems started.

Hopefully you are able to find what is wrong when you check my files.

Btw: I bought the game here on itch before i realised that it was released on steam. Is it possible for me to play it via steam now? Or do i need to buy it on steam to be able to play it there?

Best Regards Hege/Sunjean

My reply is below this post, since I forgot to click the "reply" to your post I guess you didn't get a notice.

(1 edit)

 Currently playing Build Version   Itch shows me that it is 8 days since I bought the game, so the build i played before adding the patch must have been the one for direct download 8 days ago.

Before I added the last build my front door also disappeared, and it's still missing.

After adding the last build the game icon changed also.

I was running around collecting several quests, and suddenly noticed I had the bigger bag quest among others. Believe it only showed one of them at the start. I was happy and thought it was a new bag quest since I had completed a bag quest several days ahead from her. Guessing she only has 1 quest that involves bag space? After clicking several times in my quest log true the day, adding the green symbol to the quests I was focusing on or had the item to complete. I tried turning the bigger bag quest in, but npc did not show that she had a quest to turn in. A while after I noticed while checking for more quests to complete that I now had 2 of the bigger bag quest. But from there it changed as I marked different quests in my quest log. Sometimes showing 0 bigger bag quest - sometimes 2 bigger quest - sometimes 1 bigger quest. After I completed more and more quests i also noticed that it was more that happened with them. Because I could see that they changed the name to other quest names when the count of bag quests decreased. I figured it would be easier to see what quest they changed to when all the other quests were solved. My bad... it was not. After I completed the others the bigger bag quest no longer changes name when I mark any of them. Now they just show or disappear so I have 0 quests.

The alchemy table I had just made before adding the latest build but did not use it much since I couldn't make shiny scale since none of the fish could be broken down. So not sure if that stout bug came with the current build or the build before that. But I believe it was present in both builds since I think I noticed that the stout image was bigger where the items are showing than the others. If it was like that from the start - or if it happened after I clicked inside loads of times trying to find a fish to break down to shiny scales. The first time I got the stout on cursor it was just 2 stout I believe, but as the time has passed it has multiplied and multiplied. 

From what I read Caleb should give me a quest to get some of the items I am missing - but he is not showing any quests. But I do believe I got a quest from him before the bigger bag quest showed up, but don't think I have completed a quest involving Caleb after. So his quest might be the one that should be instead of the bigger bag. As I said: the name of the quests in my quest log changed earlier when I had several quests. But sorry I don't recall the name of the names of the quests that it changed to. 


My questlog has been bugged since before last patch. There is a quest called: "A Bigger Bag" showing 2 times - but the quest npc Lylah does not show she got this quest to turn in. When i still had other quests i could see they acted strange when reacting to the bugged quests. They disappeared and came back and some changed names so sometimes i had 0 of the bugged quest i now have 2 of. 

My guess is that 2 other quests should be there that I can not see, since its showing the wrong quest.

Nobody on this list have more quests for me:

Baldric, Lorelei, Mel, Lylah, John, Alice, Simeon, Ben, Remi,  Elise, Miles, Lauren, Sven, Kiera, Mattias, Quent, Petra, Caleb, Graham, Malcolm, Ethan, Isabel.

These NPC's are  mentioned on the wiki/fandom, but i can not find them: Anya, Brock, Noel, Arturo, Maara, Ezra, Hermit, Elder, Gale, Zayne.

I am missing some quests, so I can not find a way to get Marinade Pan, Smoker, Drying Rack. 

There also are a bug in alchemy table, where "Black Stout" sometimes show up randomly where it shouldnt be. Sometimes when you click in breakdown or discovery, you get a stack on your cursor.  So you end up clicking it to add to your inventory. Problem is when you then try to add it chest or sell it. If rightclicking the item  - it add 999 to your chest or sell-thingy but remove nothing from your inventory. To get rid of the item from your inventory you have to left click and move it manually...

I can't seem to find the download link anymore.

(2 edits)

Can't find him at all in my game. His shop is closed all the time. I havent picked up the new quest from him yet - so its not that you have the quest that is the problem.

EDIT: season changed to winter - and now i can enter his shop, and he is there.

Yes you need to upgrade it in the correct order.

Bring your showel to the mines :)

Would have helped if we could mouse-ower the items in the journal, to see their names. But guess we will figuere it out without also :)

Aha! BTW the Journal dont tell us what type of fragments you need for the combines.

Ups! didnt see you had replyed, so edited in more stuff. :)

(2 edits)

Game froze when new day started. Couldnt move, so i logged. Can move again now.

Ps! Took awhile before i found the Journal. Maybe mention it in your patchnote to look for the A for journal.

EDIT 1: "Narbels Farm" (or something) act like a new discovery i have visited. Get the text Narbels Farm when i get there.

Not a new bug - its been this for as long as i can remember.

EDIT 2: Some of the items end up in my inventory.

Look in the "bin" next to your house (where you sell stuff).

- Click the "Catalog" tab

- Click the lower left catagory

- Order your lockbox (it cost 4 iron bars and 150 gold)

it will arrive the day after for pickup

(2 edits)

I am almost afraid to tell you... the NPC's arent working correctly. Most are missing, or they stand-in-one-place-walking and you can walk true them.


Quests  completed prior to the patch

 -Forge Repair (yes) 

-Stairs Repair (yes) 

-Swamp Bridge Repair (yes)

 -Beach Bridge Repair (yes)

 -Basement Renovation (yes) 

-Plains Cave Repair  ??? NO idea where that is...  The cave next to my house - if so NO?

Areas that have been repaired post patch (NONE that i saved)

 -Forge (no)

 -Stairs (no)

 -Swamp Bridge (no) 

-Beach Bridge (no) 

-Plains Cave (no)

Places in the world that have a sign 

-Forge (yes)  but its NOT working

-Stairs (yes)  NB! I said no but it was hidden behind my trees

-Swamp Bridge (yes) 

-Beach Bridge (yes)

 -Plains Cave (yes)

List any repair quests you can actually reobtain post patch here

- Stairs

- Swamp Bridge

- Beach Bridge

- Plains Cave

List any quests that you can obtain from an NPC even though you have already finished them here (You don’t have to go seeking these out, but I’d be curious because all signs point to this being a widespread issue instead of just dealing with the signposts)

In my questlog now:

- Dry Cavern

- Old Stairway

- The Far Cove

- The Sunken Bridge

- Helpful Hunter

I can't find any other quests.

(Before patch I had only 2 quests left: Dry Cavern + Helpful Hunter. None of them possible to complete i belive)

Let me know if i missed out on anything.

(1 edit)

Basement/cellar is gone - but no sign there, and cant find any quest to get it back.

Stairs dont have any sign - and cant find anyone that want to give me quest to fix it.

Forge repair quest should activate with clicking the sign - but nothing happens when clicking it.

Let me know if you want me to test anything else. But seems to me you got 2 problems - forge quest activation - and that questline is mezzed up now so we dont get the quest for basement. and probally other quests to.

I tryed it again. After completing the beach &swamp quest - both bridges got fixed and the signs was gone.

1. I have tryed clicking on the sign at the forge yes. To check that it was the sign that should activate the quest i started a new account and it worked there. Placement when i took image is not importent. I have tryed to click all ower the place :)

2. Yes i had completed both the Swamp and the Beach quest.

3. Not sure what you are refering to. Since its all broken now. I did turn in the beach/swamp again to check if that could trigger new quest for forge and the others, but didnt see any change - so i logged before it was saved.

I will do it again and run and check if it actually fix it. Will report back in a few.

Forge got a sign infront of it, but i cant click it.

Tryed clicking all ower the place.

The bridge in swamp and the one on the beach gives quest. 

The stuff that are broken now and dont give any quest i can click or find on npc is:

- Forge

- Stairs

- Bacement/Cellar

(1 edit)

Ups... The repair quests data was not saved, so stairs, bridges and so on need new repairs. Not a big problem, BUT my forge also need repair, and Sven and the carpenter dont give me any quests to repair it. Dont remember how it was fixed the first time... Dont get a quest by clicking it.

(1 edit)

relogged... still not able to talk to the NPC. he is walking and walking and walking without moving forward

EDIT: And i can walk true him. 

hm... he stand still and looks like he is running in the same spot. Couldnt talk to him. Will try relog and see it changes.

oooo the digsite looks interesting.... cant wait to see how this turns out :) Atm i cant talk to the NPC or do anything.

(1 edit)

hehe. Don't seem like you gone be out of work :)

I also could enter the cave that is left of my house, that was previously broken. Part of the Brock's quest?

Lorelei: It was first day of Spring (i think), but no idea what wheater there was. Sorry

She was moving with lightning speed. So fast i cant say if she moved passed walls or true doors.

I can close and open it, but the map is missing. So clearly something off with map after last patch.

(7 edits)

1. The Map is missing after patch.

2. Where is the Ravine? 

3. What is Rusty Mead, and where to get it?

4. Swamp:"Harronting Estate" (or something) in the area where there used to be stones and a sign - i can now enter it but its pitch black. Nothing there.

5: Sven: New quest is bugged. When turning in the quest the ore gets consumed, but get these messages:

Quest show as uncomplete even tho ore is gone. Tryed it multiple times. Same happens every time even with nothing else in inventory then the ore.

EDIT: 6. Lorelei quest is bugged to. When trying to turn in the fruits to her, it removes from inventory but it doesnt complete - and she gives me these messages:

+when standing next to her bed when she wakes up, she warp/fly/speedrun or something to this room.

Kiera quest is also bugged. Items removed from inventory, but quest not complete. Her is her messages:

So all 3 questgivers hint about not enough room in my inventory to recive reward.

To make it easyer for you, you can go to settings and change the W-A-S-D keys to use arrow keys instead. 

At the slow fishing spots you can just use right hand for everything. You got enough time to use the mouse first to cast the line, and do the click to activate - and then  move your hand to arrow keys to do the reflex thingy.

Don't think he is added to the game yet. 

You can get more storage from chest. Click the bin outside your house, and look under catalog. You get access to different types of chest after you complete quests.

(2 edits)

I have been struggeling with fishing to, but learned something new today. The reason why i have been struggeling is because i have been fishing in the wrong places. Places where its harder to fish then others. Had i known there was so much difference - I would have tryed more places. :)

As a start you can try to find the  place on my images. Its on the left side of the land  where your house is. Fishing is slower here.

Sorry for making so much xtra work and headache for you with my barns :) 

If they are still bugged out after patch I will just make new barn again. I was "lucky" last time and got free upgrades, so didnt really work hard to get them anyway :)

Looking forward to the patch, to see if anything new will be added. 

Thank your for your dedication. Love your game.

I am sorry i didnt time it. So it might have been shorter then a week after tapping. Maybe i mixed up how many ingame days it was between since i often sleep just to get full energy, and wasnt thinking on how many days past. Was just an idea to retest if i got sap again. Had i know i was gone do that I would have counted days. Sorry

I can't retest it right now, since I am on the last days on fall. But i will try to remember to test it next time i get to fall. The most importent was that i didnt get anything from my first tap.

(2 edits)

Recap: I destroyed my old barns and coop, and built 2 new barns and 1 coop - and upgraded them to max.

Today when trying to add animals to them:

Coop - i could add 8 animals without problems

Left Barn - i could only add 4 animals

Right Barn - i added 8 animals 

When trying again to see if i could add more animals, i notised i couldnt add to the left barn - but the rigth barn showed green even tho it should be full. I added 1 more animal. (so 9 in right barn), and when checking right barn still showed green so able to add more animals then 9.

Ran back home to check. Left barn had 4 animals, right barn had 8 animals.

Relogged fast so nothing was saved.

(My guess is that i would see same problems if i had 2 coops to.) 

EDIT: From placement of my new barns i know the right barn is the the first barn ordered. (both ordered in same day)

EDIT 2: Looking at picture its not easy to see all the different animal-slots for each barn. Maybe make them show in 2 rows of 4, instead of all 8 in one?


Then i tryed out the moving bug that was present with old barns. Sold all animals - moved the barns. Could add animals to both. Added 1 animals to both barns - moved them again then tryed to buy more animals. I could still buy animals. So this part of the barn problems is fixed it seems. 

Tree tap from Maples in spring worked fine, but when trying it at fall on Pine Trees it failed.

First time i tryed it in fall it consumed the tree tap, but gave me nothing back. I did it on 20 trees. I tryed clicking in the next days, to see if maybe the Pine Tree Sap used longer time. But nothing happened when clicking the trees.

After a week or so I tryed to use new tree tap on the same trees.

This is the message showing (same as i get in spring when trying to use it on a tree that have allready given me Maple Sap)

I agree with you there.  :) I had forced myself down to lvl 80 many times to mine ore before i found out.