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Now that you have the dash, did you find your way inside the house with a chest? The item inside is the key to your progress. If you wear it, you may be granted access someplace you were previously barred from.

Hope it helps! If you're still stuck, don't hesitate to ask me again, I will be less cryptic ;)

have played it a bit further and defeated the final boss.
however I am still lacking stuff:
the consumables screen only has the (3) blood vials, other 2 spots are empty
also missing last ring
and, most annoyingly, I got 9 of 10 eggs.
so there somewhere wehere I have already run past a few times there msut still be a single egg waiting.
gotta revisit literally everything I guess.

there doesnt happen to exist a full map with egg locations or such? :-)

After some travelling  I got the missing egg and the final ring.

now I am currently still missing the 2 things listed under the blood vial and 2 life gems also must be somewhere (currently have 10 of 12)

there aint a map with item locations, is there? :-)


I haven't made such a map yet, but I probably could. I don't know when I will have the time to do it though. Probably not before Friday.

If memory serves, the two consumables left are the Cyanide Pills and the Waystone. The later is found in the Burial Grounds, but I'm not sure you can still get the Pills after the Cat's Eyes (as it would be pretty useless by then). I should probably change that, purely for the sense of completion :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I made a map!
It's not 100% exhaustive, as it doesn't place the items given to you by NPCs, but it has all the Eggs and Lifegems:

Hope it helps! ;)

Full size version:

Cool, thanks a loit for the map!
just for the record: where would one find those cyanide pills normally?
couldnt see anything having the right shape in the map, so is it given by some npc or such? :-)

just tried it in a new save file, you can only get the cyanide pills if you cant see in the dark yet.
after that, the guy wont give it to you anymore :-(


Yes, because the pills are a safety mesure in case you get stuck in the dark, so you don't really need them once you get the eyes. But I will change that interaction so you get them anyway, even if you can see in the dark :)