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Thanks, Aeon!
Almost the entire game functions off one very large collection of timers meant to push the game along at a brisk pace. I was going for a sense of brevity with the game because I didn't expect too many folks to have the patience to sit through a lot of dialog or overly complicated animations. I think I was wrong about this though, because I've played (and watched other people play) some rather wordy entries to this jam that take North of 20 minutes to complete. I may have over-done it a bit on the "Let's hurry through the menus and get to button mashing."

The "Flash" game feeling you got from it is pretty much what I had hoped for with this one. I grew up playing some retired web-based games like Candystand Mini-golf and Bowling. You know, things that would require Shockwave player and such.

When the pun of "Touhoumerun" came to me, I pictured a baseball mini-game like those web-based games with lots of replay value. I didn't quite have the time to shove ALL of the replay value I wanted to in it, but I think it turned out to be a fun 5 minute adventure into the mind of a Touhou momentarily knocked senseless because she wouldn't leave Yukari alone!

I've got about 15 titles left to play / rate / comment and then I'll have done them all! The comments are my favorite part. Having conversations about the outcomes of cramming all this work into 4 days is what I like most about the jams. I learn so much from these games.
