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This game was very fun to play! Good humour, fun story, well explained gameplays, various things to do… and voice acting! Wow! This is a great take on the subject! The choice of a “story telling” approach is bold!

I read your post-mortem, and if I only give you one advice: don’t care too much about GDD. I used to do the same thing back in the days I was student and it’s not working during game jams. Try to use a more “free” approach, only drawing a game loop, writing some intentions and main ideas. Write your story if it’s a narrative game, but don’t overthink too much the gameplay ^^

Anyay, good job! :D

Thank you so much fo playing and giving feedback! 
I was scared of the idea of voice acting something, I owe a lot to my friend who said he would to it for me. It was fun creating this project!

And thanks for your suggestion. It's exactly what happens to me every jam I take part, I spend so much time planning that I end up with a lot of unfinished projects. I'm trying to drop the habit XD