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To be honest, I didn't expect much, because there are so many asteroids like games in game jams - but wow, this is a really impressive, fine tuned game! Trying out all weapons to get the most powerful ones was really motivating and kept me interested. I found some small issues however:

  • getting to close to the border of the screen can cause the "bumping sound" to play rapidly
  • also, you can get stuck in the border of the screen
  • is it intended that the next wave spawns, if there is still one enemy left?
  • after reading the game's description, it seems to be intended that the laser shoots behind you. It felt a bit weird and I thought it was also a glitch
  • at first, the big energy ball was synchronized with the small pulse shots, appearing every second shot, which seemed natural. However, after a while they got desynced.

I also enjoyed the music! You could utilize multiple audio layers so it get more intense the more waves you clear, which would be pretty neat I guess.

Thanks for finding those glitches! Also yes, the next wave does spawn when there is one enemy left.