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Feedback Notes:

- Very fun game. The fast-paced action got me very immersed in it!

- The core gameplay loop is strong. Shooting, moving, weapons and magic all feel good.

- Level design was a varied affair. Some of the levels felt a bit tedious since their layout implied (walk forward to this distant location and don't die).

- Enemy AI is good, but probably needs a little more variance as this game evolves. The general old-school FPS strategy of circle-strafe all day seems to generally work here. Also, you can exploit the max aggro range of many enemies, effectively turning whatever you current weapon is into a sniper rifle.

- The Christmas level felt a bit bland with no weapon besides my starting one. Switching through a set of gun feels pretty good, especially with the small clips on some of them.

- Progress UI was very helpful for indicating about how long a level would be and where the enemies are. That's actually a nice improvement from some classic shooters.

- Wish I could have rebound the magic buttons. They didn't feel convenient to press. Maybe that's an inherent struggle with needing to trigger them with the left-hand, when the right-hand on the mouse is doing most of the shooting action.

Those are a bunch of my thoughts. Really fun game!


Hey, thank you for playing! I'm glad that you liked it! <3

I also wanted to let you know that the Christmas level has 2 weapons + a secret one. (I saw now that the walking Santa is missing from the current build and will be fixed in the next one, he also grants 1 weapon). One of the first weapons that you get is right under the big gingerbread man from the start, it is in the form of a spinning present box. Hint: One of those balconies has a surprise for you.