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Great game! I would have loved way mor bullets and more speed on the rate of fire on the spread shot. The art is bad ass! The menus rule too!


Thanks :)

Yeah i tend to make my games a bit too on the easy side, the funny thing is that in a past jam i had one where the bullets were a bit too fast, so i guess that that's why i made them way too slow this time haha XD

Also weapons are not all that well calibrated in terms of firerate and such, i overscoped a bit so i spent quite some time making and fixing things without much left to adjust and refine what worked.

Glad you like the art and menus as well ^^


I would love to see this turned into a full release. It's got such a cool vibe to it.


Well i never know cause sometimes life can get in the way, but if i do get some time i'll try to work on some post jam contents and fixes if possible :)


I feel that, brother. I'd like to see how your game performs running on the Shmup Creator engine! 


Hahaha :p  well not sure how cause i never tried it, and since i'm not all that experienced yet on the programing side of things i'm not sure i could even make anything functionnal on another engine than the one i know for now XD

Its all no code. Super easy to pick up!