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Nope -- unfortunately that's one of the limitations of PICO-8 supporting dual-stick. 

If you're playing single player in the native app you can use P1's directions to move and P2's directions to shoot, but PICO-8 does not let you map different player's movements to the same controller. You can remap keyboard controls there, but most people have a pretty hard time playing dual stick on a keyboard (there's a lot more buttons and it can get overwhelming).

OK thanks. Just so I'm clear then, the only (current) way to have the dual-stick setup is to use your 'remap controls' option that's via the HTML5(?) version?

(I've not yet even attempted to map joystick controls in my own game, so some of this may be more obvious once I get to that point I guess)



Yes, that's correct. In PICO-8 each player only has access to 4 directional buttons and 2 other buttons. Thus, to have enough buttons to support dual-stick controls, the game actually uses two players' directional controls at once. In the HTML5 version I can manually map both players' controls to one controller in javascript, but in the native version of PICO-8, joysticks will only ever map to one player's controls at time.