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Unforgiving. Both you and your umbrella are one-hit-KO hitboxes, while even trying to be as resourceful with your umbrella as you can puts you at risk. Very dynamic game mechanics. The mental calculation is strong here.

If there's one thing (aside from having to start a level all over again if you die) the strong gravity and swift movement speed really makes precision movements difficult, especially in the vertical sense, and especially when bullets enter the field of view while you're mid-jump.

Thoroughly enjoyed this though.


Thank you! It always warms my heart when someone enjoys a game I've made, and I'm sure the rest of the team feels the same way.

I definitely agree on the falling speed. I think what went wrong is that we mostly tested the feel of the jump on a relatively flat testing stage, where the problem was not as apparent. I'm still new to this, and I feel that I learn something new every time. So once again, thank you. It really means a lot.