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Hey Flanne!

I found this game following the feedback friday thread on

It's really solid! Admittedly, I jumped straight into it without looking at videos or screenshots. I was not at all ready for the enemy density! :D 

I love the polish you've got on the game right now. It sounds good, looks good and plays quite well! The power-ups were exciting to sift through and pick strats. I quickly adopted the "shoot faster, shoot more, and have skills that trigger effects every x amount of bullets." It was a pretty solid strat from what I could tell.

The color palette is rad and adds a lot to the mood of the game. Not sure I have too many things that I'd consider criticisms outside of the fact that I, personally, am not the biggest fan of forced low-visibility, but I understand that it's meant to add to the mysticism of your surroundings. 


If you've got time to check out a jam submission I made that's currently in the ratings period, I'd love to hear your thoughts: