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Hello sir, can I ask you something?
I can even use Japanese fonts and some other language in rpg maker? Or it's only English?

Hi there!

On RPG Maker you can use any font you want by default.

What this plugin does, is let you use a font that works like a sprite sheet. Basically, inside the code, the plugin will map your font like this:

When you press A it will draw the bitmap(image) that corresponds to the letter "A" in your sprite sheet. I never tested Japanese, but the plugin has a free version that you can test. I don't see a reason for it not working, but I don't know how the Japanese alphabet works. So is better if you test on the free version first.

What about the pictures that I saw menu (Mr. Raze, Pig and Carta)? What language did you use it?

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. What does the picture have to do with the game language? Are you mean the language that I use to write the picture file names?

Yes; Because I will use these language in my project:
1) English
2) Japanese
3) France

See the red, what language is it?

I need to add in my project.

That is Portuguese from Brazil. It is like I said before, I believe you could use any language you want. 

But that plugin is not a language manager, is kinda a Font Manager. Regarding of this plugin there is a free version that you can test and see if it will work for your purposes.