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Really clever puzzle game!

This reminds me somewhat of the game Baba Is You. Not necessarily in mechanics but in the overall presentation of the game and puzzles, which is really well done. Also much like Baba Is You, this game totally fried my brain.

I was stumped after a few levels, and it took me a little while to understand how the game worked at first. However, each time I solved a puzzle I felt like the answer was sensible and the puzzle was cleverly constructed, which I feel is very important for any puzzle game.

Also visually speaking, I liked the sprites for the different puzzle elements and the player. The designs were simple but distinct. I also liked the music and sound effects used. They fit the tone nicely without being too repetitive.

Really well done!


Thank you very much for the nice feedback <3

Baba Is You is one of my all time favorite games, so it definitely was somewhat of a big inspiration for me!

I always loved how clever Baba Is You did put it's core mechanic into presentation at the beginning of the game. Because at first the idea of taking and giving behavior from/to different level elements - even if they shouldn't fit at all - is so absurd and funny that it instantly catches you. And only a few levels in, the game flexes with how many possibilities it's core mechanics does bring with itself. Making you hungry for exploration!

I wanted to have an awesome catch too, that's why I designed the throwback mechanic. As a player, you just see the level as a whole and memorize it to a certain degree. But when you move, your view is limited to just a 3x3 tiles area. So, it's kind of a brain f##k when the camera zooms out again and you realize, that you did end up somewhere entirely else as where you expected. And I imagined that effect to be very absurd and funny too and therefore suitable for a good catch, to already hook most players in the first minute.

In regards of possibilities, I can obviously not keep up with Baba Is You's core mechanic, but my concept did still bring a few very cool sideeffects with itself. Like for example, that it does already have a natural reset function, when walking out of the level (and therefore also not having a requirement for level borders) and stuff like that. Even if useful sometimes, in first place those are limitation of course, that I had to use, to design some interesting levels.

And that's what I love the most about Baba is You. Most of its level designs are soooo extremely well done and just fun to play! Because nearly every level does have some kind of fascinating twist to it. Most of the time, you do roughly know what to do, but your approach does break down at some point. But the levels are designed in such a clever way, that it just makes click at some point and you realize, that you had to view the problem from a different perspective! And I tried to design my levels in a similar way!

Seemingly obvious solution > Confrontation with problem > TWIST,  that can solve the problem > Reward

You, comparing my game with Baba Is You is probably the biggest compliment I've received so far. Thank you very much :)


You're very welcome! You've clearly put a lot of thought into the game and it shows.

The throwback  mechanic definitely works as a hook for the players like you said. The progression from just trying to understand how the game works to solving the first puzzle is really engaging. I also did like how the throwback mechanic was its own reset function. Any time I got lost I could just move in a direction I knew was incorrect to start over.

Again, really well done!