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Although the control is hard for me to handle the drone, and you actually need to manually speed up your drone by holding down SHIFT button, otherwise you won't fly out of the buildings. But I got some fun by playing this game despite the fact that I don't really see the upgrades will aid my drone and I don't earn any amount of money even though I delivered to several coordinates already.

Maybe another issue is that sometimes when picked up a package, the destination point(blue-coloured waypoint) be so far away that its waypoint actually can't be seen until I fly blinded my drone to random direction to get to see the waypoint.

Anyway, good work of using the Godot 4.0 Alpha to make your own entry!

Thanks for the feedback, I ran out of time before I could get a lot of that working. However, I haven't had the issue where the destination is too small to see, what size screen and screen resolution are you playing on? I didn't test it on a very wide variety of screens.


I don't quite know actually... I only know that the game starts in widescreen mode and I don't enlarged the window size while I was playing. I guess around 1280x720?

That destination I was referring to like 10km+ away from my drone after I picked the package. I only get to see the blue waypoint and it displayed like <6km with its tiny words.