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Hello Grizz, you may remember that i somehow got patreon content on the public build from last month. I've downloaded the current version and, after testing my saves, i am happy to say that i haven't got more content than it should have. Now to waiting for another month, which i don't mind.


Again, terribly sorry that happened to you and for whatever it's worth, you weren't the only one that reported such an incident happened. Still no idea how it could have happened given the loopholes that would've needed to be jumped through in how I handle my files normally but it is what it is. Hopefully next month's content is worth the wait!

If you liked the latest version, you will like the next one too. 😃😃😃


Why is tha?

It gets interesting, lets just say that.


Oh no is tha a good thing or a bad thing?

I'm not going to specify, I don't want to do anymore spoilers.