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Played through to level 4 before I failed as a game dev.  Do you have a recommended resolution, as playing on 2540x1440 makes the game very blurry..

Maybe it's just me but having a cooldown on slow-mode extended the play time more than intended, moving to one point and then camping it out.  What if it were a toggleable self-recharging kind of bar instead of a cooldown?

I also can't say the increasingly derogatory text gave me a positive experience.


Recommended resolution is : 1360 / 768

I will remove the cooldown and fix the text in the next update :)

And i failed as a dev in the fourth level too :D will change the dificulty tho, it's way too hard 


Ah rip the resolution didn't change much even on windowed :[ 

alrightt lol, happy devving Sickdot


I think that it's supposed to look like that? I combined Anti-analyzing and Pixel Perfect... also i can't turn off this "bold" thing


Hey! I'm planning to make a second version of the demo :D So follow me if you wanna get notified :)