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(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, this is definitedly crazy good. I bow to your crazy talent. I want to listen to this for hours and hours and hours.

EDIT:  Since you were a pal with your quality reviews for everyone, and you seem open to those kind of interventions, I'm going to be a bit more throughout with my comment too. First, I'm biased but, I think this deserves to win this little competition of ours alright. It's a motif (clearly defined melodic line), it's evil (boss fight vibres), it follows the jam theme (it's grandiose enough), it has personality (/identity) and it sounds great as a whole composition. Second, I really cannot stress enough how this is the kind of thing you want to listen to for hours. The reason is of course the variation. You have a three-part motif (counting the ending, because it's its own thing, so: 0:10, 0:18 and 00:24) that is nevertheless cohesive and work together perfectly well. Third, it reads clearly. No "noise". You have several instruments playing simultaneously but none clashes with the other. Instead, they give the final thing flavour and compliment each other. Overall, just a very fine piece.

Not that I have a real critique to make but, have you tried making the (semi?)quavers 00:17 intervention (percussion) with a overblown chamber reverb? It might not really work in practice but it sounds like a good idea that you should definitely try, in my head. XS

Extra: I have been reading the detailed reviews you have been giving in other entries, and anybody can tell you know what you are talking about. Just like you know what you are doing here. Btw, I love your disposition: those kind of throughout comments are hella useful. And you are also very nice in your comments too. (Also, if I'm honest, because my first language is Spanish, I am using your posts as help to learn music vocabulary in English (lilting, so that's how you say it...) lol.) So thanks~


Thank you so much for the thoughtfulness you shared in this comment. I am truly humbled by your compliments. Great catch with the cowbell in 00:17! This was the one part I struggled with for an excessive amount of time. I wanted to anticipate the time signature change with a foreshadowing of triplet subdivisions. I wanted to use an instrument with some ring to it, but something that wouldn’t distract attention from the melodic focal point. I will definitely try your suggestion of adding some extra reverb to give it that extra ring I couldn’t seem to achieve. Thank you! 

And I’m so glad that comments have been helpful. Music is a beautiful language in itself and I think it’s challenging to translate it into words sometimes, but that’s also why I like practicing while also giving feedback to other awesome artists in the process!