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I usually shy away from survival / resource management games because I'm legendarily terrible at them, but this one intrigued me so much I stuck with it to the end (but only on Forgiving mode because I'm not that much of a masochist haha!).

What can I say? The atmosphere you've created is so darn creepy, I love the way each little location has its own uniqueness (the ghosts in cemetery and the haunted well being great examples).

The slow dwindling of resources really ramps up the pressure too, as the deer population decreases and you start wondering whether you can actually live long enough to escape this nightmare.

Being haunted by the shadows of the recent past as well as by the main demon itself is a nice touch too, ghosts appearing in certain areas, the poor dead chap with his gun by his side, the skinned deer near our house... it all adds up to one heck of an experience compounded by the need to figure out how to do everything you need to finish things off!

You've really created a mini gem of a game here, and I had loads of fun playing it, even during the frustrating moments I was motivated to carry on! Keep up the awesome work, this was a blast! =)

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, thanks so much for playing, and for the very thoughtful little review! :)