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(2 edits)

Hello. I tried implementing this plugin to my project, but some functions are not compatible with other plugins.

  • Angle Rotation/Speed does not seem to work with Visustella Events Move Core (v1.36)
  • Scale Sprite does not seem to work with MOG Character Motion (v1.0)

I done my test on MZ 1.3.2. If the incompatibility was indeed true, would it be a possibility for you to find a fix? The Visustella being the most important one considering the number of features.

Looking forward your plugins.

Edit: It seems the "CharManager" comment line is also necessary for single lines comments for the function to operate. Is this intentional?

Edit 2: There's also another bug with the scaling function via comment, with no other plugins ON. If there's events using "<" or ">" in their event note, some events with a scaling comment will ignore it. Deleting events with "<" or ">" in their event note will randomly affect wich event ID will get its scaling comment ignored. I don't know if it affects other CharManager functions.

Hi there!

- Yes you need to set the first line of the comment with "CharManager". This information is on the help file:

I will take a look into the Mog compatibility and figure out the EDIT2 problem. Try changing the plugin order to see if something can work.

But can you show a screenshot of how you set up the comments?

Visustella has its code obfuscated, so I can't take a look and see what the problem is and find a fix. But my code is open, maybe you should contact them for compatibility? Their terms of use:

I noticed the same compatibility problem where Events Move Core disables the character rotation, but I just looked at another plugin with similar functions and the person who made it also noted the exact same problem -- and mentioned that it is specifically the dash tilt option in the Events Move Core that is causing the conflict. If you don't feel like you need that turned on, you can turn it off and the character rotation will work. I kinda like the tilted dash though, so I hope someone eventually figures out a way to get them to work together...


Hi there!

The thing is that the tilt option is probably something that is messing with the angle/rotation property of the character sprite. When the character is dashing, the angle is set to an X value. When it is not, it is probably set the angle to 0.

So when you try to rotate, it will not work, because the angle is constantly being set to 0. At least, that is my guess. But I can easily create a workaround for this on code. Will do it on the next update.

Awesome sauce, thanks!