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Thank you so much for a detailed review of my game!!! The sound effects right now randomize pitch when they are played! Later on this will only be used for certain sound effects but I'm happy you noticed and appreciated it in the menu! I know that allowing the player to flip directions on the launcher was just asking to break that sequence :b but I am glad you mentioned that it happened to you! Also, the double NPC sprite find is v valuable, I'll look into that. The third launch platform is DEFINITELY unfairly small lol. I plan to extend that as well as tweak the airborne movement to make that less of a problem. You've given me much to consider, it's hard to find such detailed feedback as a dev. I really appreciate it friend!


The pitch shifting gives a nice little bit of variance, but yeah it especially works great in the menu.

And yeah the launcher flipping can break the game, but it could be cool in a further platforming section where its required. As soon as I saw the double NPC sprite I immediately thought "Wow, this looks like a rare bug" lol.

I always try to give as much detailed feedback as I can, partially because I think its far more useful than just a score, and partially because I like receiving detailed feedback so it only makes sense I should provide it. I know there's been several times where what a player considers to be a bug or simply unfair, can be explained either by a certain detail being missed by the player, a mistake in the games design, or frankly just poor design.

I wish you the best of luck in your continued work on this project, I can imagine its come a long way in 5 years. Having strangers play your game is really where the rubber hits the road, so hopefully you'll be able to get several rounds more of playtesting in the future!