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Hey finally getting around to giving this a review but finally here and I'll try to make it as unbiased as possible. Firstly all the camera effects, attention to detail in the clean UI, custom cursor and nice voxel art are all an immediate great first impression. It's nice to immediately be able to tell that a lot has gone into this game and it sets itself up for success. Going into the gameplay side it's completely understandable why it works this way but it's much nicer to be introduced to new concepts slowly and all of the reading required can be a lot to get through. Depending on whether the player has payed proper attention to all the reading really decides how interesting/fun a lot of the gameplay is. I think properly understanding everything then a lot of fun gameplay is allowed to ensue but I can understand not being able to reach that straight away. Because of the random nature it can be very exciting with many random twists which is awesome and definitely for me would be more fun playing with a friend. Anyway overall of course really cool entry and was pretty fulfilling on the premise of rock paper scissors with a skillful and narrative twist! :D

Thanks brother. Yeah if only the rush wasn't on. It was interesting watching the stream to see how far it has already come in the post jam. I am trying to fix the easing into the mechanic issues. Just because it's really simple does not mean it's easy to work out. Once the penny drops it's done but lots of words do not help. Tutorial is in the pipeline.