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I think this is the first game I've played in wherein the main character is so damn meta about the game and the trasmigration storyline, I guess I do get a bit confused on why the main character is so jumpy all the time but then again he did play through the entirety of the game... But he really wasn't doing any good keeping the charade up, hopefully he gets better because his subtlety is like an elephant in a china store.

Aww haha~ Unfortunately all I can say is MC isn't the brightest crayon in the box. Thank you so much for playing and I hope to improve and meet your expectations in the next update ^^

It's not to say I dislike the game!! Far from it I love it, I love the premise and despite my complains, I love the MC may god bless his soul because he surely needs it-- I hope my comment wasn't all that negative, it was a new experience and I genuinely am looking forward to it despite the flaws of our dear MC~

No worries, it wasn't negative! <3 I will also work hard to bring a fun game to everyone! ^^