The cheat codes can be found here:
pumpkin spike
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Thank you very much for your comment/review! <3 I love DDLC and it was an inspiration for me making this game, so I'm happy to hear you noticed the similarities!
There is a guide for the full game here, if you haven't found it yet btw!
Thank you very much!! I definitely had a lot of... "fun" positioning those sprites for the scenes! But planning them was certainly a joy for my creative muscle! <: Renpy is really versatile and the sky's the limit with it!
I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the short demo! I'll definitely work hard to bring the rest of the story asap! c:
Hello, I have a question to the following rule in the perspective of making a point and click game!
- use layers to show a sliced up an image as a single background (no opaque parts of layers can overlap)
From what I understand of the rule, it's to prevent someone from making objects move in the background? Is that correct? So in making a point and click, I'll need to make a "hole" behind a clickable object in order to make it clickable.
However, this takes a lot more work than making the bg and layering the object on top so it can be clickable/hoverable. Would it be alright to have overlaping opaque parts if I follow the spirit of the rule (no movement of the selectable objects)?
Or, if I am completely off base, is it possible to get some advice on how to make a point and click function within the rules of the jam? Since it's listed as an acceptable minigame in the rules?