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Also your final boss is cheap as fuck, curb your stun mechanics please. It's not fun when you punch a boss once and RNG decides whether or not you unavoidably lose 8 fucking health. At least let us counter his moves.

I beat the boss over 10 times on the hardest difficulty, you're just trash at the game.

There's no difficulty I think ?? :/

Do you mean the job or smthin?

the higher the wage selected, the more difficult the game is

Ohhhh that's why

I beat the boss on hard with every character at least twice (including saitama and banana man), also in my opinion head of espionage is the hardest boss (or as I like to call him, ninya: the combo ender).

You might have hurt Jeff's feelings - lol.  I can safely say that depending on the character and the set of moves/abilities - it definitely determines your experience of the final boss. You should have seen some of the other guys that we had to make easier in earlier versions! Thank you for your feedback.   

beating Jeff is easiest if I have either a lot of mob justices or a lot of moves that will help me knock him over or stun him without me shooting myself

(1 edit)

"Jeff Bezos do be lyin once we help him and yeet him outta the floor"

- Protagonist

Fun Fact: It's a little funny since most of my runs finish with Jeff Bezos dying of fall dmg XD

Edit: fall dmg from HELIKOPTER