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(1 edit)


Just registered on itch to say that your art is pretty awesome. I have been wandering around game art assets sites for quite some time and I must say that I have seen very few assets that are as noteworthy as yours,  and even fewer that are free and CC0. I have been playing around with your art assets for months, and I have begun to like the perfectness with which they are created (Especially the characters).  Your two dungeon assets already have so much assets and combining them with "pixeldudesmaker" gives almost 100s of distinct characters and stuff.

Thank you so much for providing such beautiful assets for free :P.

BTW,  a few suggestions/requests (as you like it):-

  • All of your doors are front views (in both the dungeons), can you extend them by adding some side view doors.
  • A flowing lava/acid tile, maybe
  • Some ceiling tiles ( nothing special, just a tile in darker shade)
  • A flaming torch
  • A small update to pixeldudesmaker, with probably some new clothing items.

BTW Thanks again..

Thank you, I'm really glad you like it.

The side-view doors are something I struggle with for some time already. They just never look much like doors. Obviously I'll have to draw them sooner or later but I keep postponing.

Otherwise - all of what you've mentioned is somewhere in my todo-list already*. It's just difficult to find enough time. In any case I'll have some update this month (No promises about what it'll be though).

[*] except ceiling - I don't know what you mean - game dungeons have no ceiling - I'm intrigued - can you elaborate?

Hello again,  Robert, 

I will eagerly await the updates, surely they are gonna be great, especially the pixel dudes one. 

As for ceilings,  I mean something like this. The ceilings are colored kinda black there, but I meant  something similar. True,  I also haven't seen a dungeon with ceilings,  so feel free to move this to the bottom of your priorities.