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OH MY GOD!!! That is so incredible!!! I am sharing all of this with him right now and am positively ecstatic. Thank you for the little plug!! I've never been more giddy about a horror game before!!


Not gonna lie, I'm pretty pumped someone caught the reference! And from Mr B's sibling, no less!

Another funny story. A newer member of our team got a message from his cousin. "Hey Victor, I was watching one of my favorite streamers and your name is in the video game!" That's right, we put his name on Crystal's shirt after he beta tested an early version of the map! She had watched Jack's video and noticed her cousin's name on Crystal's shirt.

Awww that's so awesome! If only Jacksepticeye knew how many people spotted neat personal connections in his Lets Play! XD 

He didn't beat the game, maybe he'll play it again. We certainly wouldn't mind!