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This is absolutely fantastic

I'm glad you enjoyed. Outrun was an arcade favorite and finding this engine rebuilt from scratch in C++ for windows with the upscaled effects a pleasure. Did you enjoy the two custom levels? I was planning more and a sprite hack to feature sega characters as driver/passenger

Deleted 1 year ago

Are all your projects listed online to see? One of the most interesting arcade style-racer I've seen recently was Nitronic Rush which I wanted modding with new vehicles and levels if you were interested. Or potentially a VR Outrun 2020?

Deleted 1 year ago

Ideas are the material of games, I'm working on a VR trilogy atm if you were interested in taking a look.

I'm not on discord atm, worth joining?


Yes, Discord is very much worhtwhile. I would love to take a look

This one is a remake of a game I did in college 20 years ago in qbasic - Trilogy Chrono RPG. I'm hoping the same with Unity or the dues ex engine GMDX V9.0 atm.