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(1 edit)

Has anyone managed to finish this? I keep failing :(

It's overly hard really, and not well explained. Basically you'd want your villages to grow for a bit, not harvesting as soon as there are a few people. Raging in the villages should also come rarely, but enough that the reverence meter is filled (but not more). Snack some people here and there, or a lot of the end is closer, and it should work out.


Thanks! I'll keep trying. 

On a mission:



Oh wow, that's amazing :D
Is it published? I didn't see it on youtube yet. We are very much looking forward to watch it, will be a nice throwback and well timed with Ludum Dare 50 approaching.


Nothing published yet. I'm afraid it will be rather LD51 but definitely before the release of Dome Romantik ;) I'll let you know when we are are ready :)