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From one solo dev to another, I must say you are much better at this than me. This is an impressive, polished package for any number of people in the time you were given, and even more so considering you did it yourself.

I think the game loop has the spark of a really neat idea. It reminds me of the Final Fantasy VII Gold Saucer fight minigame, for better or worse. It is rock/paper/scissors, which can be fun, and you added some cool twists to it, but it's still slightly too random for my tastes and I would have preferred some kind of layer of strategy. When it comes to the "healing," I couldn't figure that out at all. It seemed to only work when my opponent healed, which defeats the purpose.

I would be interested to see where you take this. Overall, it is an incredible job, and I quite enjoyed it.

Thanks for your feedback. Your game has lots of potential too. I very nearly had nothing to show for this Jam as I broke it pretty bad just before I had to submit. It's hard being a Solo dev when everything is your own fault! I use Jams to force me to get better at the stuff I don't really like doing. Mostly finishing things! I can see my progress from Jam to Jam.

I am working on a Post Jam version and it is already a much better experience. I will post it once the Parade is unlocked.

In terms of the Healing selecting it directly is pretty high risk. It is more successful if you can counter or combo into it. I am thinking of new move types that should create more interesting chains. It's been fun to refine it now that the time pressure is off.