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Honestly I was all over the place with this story.  So much of it I enjoyed, and then parts of it just through me off in unexpected ways.  Its hard to talk about never mind ask questions without spoilering anything.

Like the title to one of the chapters (like the first one I think, or maybe the second)  Im just not interested in such a person.  In a later part of the story as I played through i was offered an option to follow up on a request from said person, or ignore it.  I chose to ignore it as like im not into that sorta person.  Is that gona be bad later?

Also one of the guys i did sort of get into (its still intro period so not really got a chance to get to know them much) turns out to be a she, or atleast look like a she.  I was sort of bothered by that, but then I was intrigued, as the character them self Also seemed to be bothered by other people being confused (like I was) about their gender.  Is that something that is going to be gone into.  I wasnt happy about the reveal, but I honestly was interested when i realised they them self were also unhappy about everyone elses confusion about it.  It made me wonder If there was a story or something to be figured out there.

Finally I only managed to meet 2 of the evil? teams side, and honestly only one of them that I had any actual involvement with (the first one, the second one i just saw in passing, and i think i missed the chance to have any interaction when i didnt go closer to the stage but stayed back and watched.)  Anyways the one i did have some interaction with was a complete ass.  I dont understand how they are supposed to be a route at all, as nothing in the scene with them ever gave me any reason to consider siding with them.  They Are Just Mean!  And after the things that unfolded later in another encounter with them, I really dont see how anyone could ever reasonably be interested in them, or want to help/side with them.  Did I miss something?  Usually bad guys routes are written in such a way that they have some redeeming feature that the Player can latch on to.  This guy just is mean, hateful, vicous, etc.

Sorry for the super long post, honestly Im way interested in the story and characters as you can see, Or I wouldnt even bother posting.  But Im also confused / conflicted with some of the characters.  If nothing else I hope this feed back is meaningful / helpful to you.  Thanks for sharing the story with us, and I apologize If Im being unreasonably dense about things.


Hello ahnkra, thank you for leaving us your comment, we hope that some notes that we leave below can help to make our point of view understood. Thanks for playing and for stopping by to comment. We hope to read you more in the future.

No, not at all, not being interested in a character usually results in spending less time with him or getting less general information about the story, but it doesn't penalize. The story is quite long, currently, it takes fifteen episodes of development. Some options are saved and returned to in the future, but above all, in the first episodes, everything is completely introductory.

In episode one you can meet two of six characters in a single lap. To unlock the rest of the images and character profiles you must take different options. However, in the following you will definitely meet the entire cast. Episode two (Hasiel and Zihel), episode three (Arael and Ariel), episode four (Akane and Maske), and episode five (Kyeran, Joe and Pin). From here you can choose a lineup and thus choose if you want to be 'bad' or 'good'. Your choices constantly affect your morality bar. The only thing the game asks of you to get proper endings is to be consistent with your decisions.

Hasiel is a trans man, we wanted to make that clear early in the game. His pronouns are he/him and it's an important part of his character's story, because it's something he has had (and has) to deal with on a daily basis.

Zihel is an evil character. He isn't a 'bad boy' he is a real criminal. His acts won't be justified, because they aren't justifiable. The cast was selected to generate different stories and different interactions. There are many different personalities to choose from and if you want to see the world burn alongside a villain just as corrupt as you, who are we to stop you? We don't see any fun in giving only morally positive options in a game where we consciously try to play with those aspects. History also allows us not to limit ourselves. Things would be different if, for example, we talked about the protagonists being high school students. Zihel is a corrupt, evil, age-old demon, and yet it's perfectly okay to want to be in a relationship with him. We understand that he isn't a character for everyone, but that's fine, there are eight others.

CHR is buggy, it's obvious to us, especially in the beginning (It's our first game!). But we wanted to create a different experience. We come from playing too many games that don't let you choose how evil you want to be or choose who you want to be with in a gang war. Here you can and we won't penalize you for it, we want it to be fun and stimulating and not a form of reprimand for the player who wants to make flawed choices.


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply and clarify things for me!  It really helped to clear up my confusion, and gave me a much better idea on how to approach the story and characters.  Im glad to hear I was right in picking up on those uncomfortable vibes from one of the characters.  It means they really are going to be interesting, and I might even learn something following their route.

And also thanks for the explanation on how your evil characters work.  Its actually refreshing to know that a character is exactly as they are portrayed, and not just a "bad boy" with alot of (for me) unacceptable behaviors I have to put up with to figure them out.  Im perfectly ok  with avoiding a route or two with that knowledge in mind, and like being spared the "responsibility" of figuring out why someone is acting the way they are and then having to figure out how to "fix" them.