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(1 edit)

I have customized my keybindings so that I am able to move around with W/A/S/D instead of the arrow keys, but then there's a very annoying bug when I navigate any menu (the save files menu, the keybindings one, etc.). Every now and then, when I click W (up) or S (down) to go to the next menu item, it instead does some absurd jump (for example, I am at File 8, i click the W key and it gets me to File 23). This never happens when i use the arrow keys though.

Similarly, I have remapped the enter key to Q and it sometimes behaves in an unexpected way. For example when I'm looking at the enemy gallery and I click on Q, it would sometimes show a different character than the one I had selected.

It would be great if the devs could look into it!

Have you made sure to remove the old function of Q and W as well? By default they do the same as PageUp and PageDown (or L1 and R1 on a controller). You can find them under the functions "Previous Page" and "Next Page" in the keybinding menu. If you did not change them, then the weird behavior is because your Q and W now have two functions at the same time.

Yes, I made sure to clean everything up. I have W/A/S/D exclusively associated with the move commands (they are not associated with anything else, and also the move commands have no other association).

Then yes, that sounds like a bug. We'll make sure to look into it for the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience!