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Do you know if there is an easy way to use a custom 'ToHit' (lets call it id 0) parameter and 'dodge' (id 1) parameter for accuracy? 

so something like % chance to hit = user.cparam(0) - target.cparam(1)

Or would I have to go deep and change the core files?

Hi there!

With the custom parameter plugin, you can build as many custom parameters as you want. But, by default, it is up to you how you use them.

Thinking about this limitation, I build other plugins to help with that:
Eli Dynamic Parameters- I think this one can help you use the custom parameters to affect the default parameters that are responsible for the HIT and Accuracy. 


I actually use that one as well, I will do some more research into it. I am just a dev and being given requirements for a game, the 'client' wants a lot of special things so its a matter of what can I do to get them. Your plugins are great by the way, thank you for all your work on them!

Nice! Good luck then! ^^

As a note, this is possible through changing the core file rmmz_objects (or making a plugin to change the core file) in two places. Game_Action.prototype.itemHit and Game_Action.prototype.itemEva. itemHit is used for accuracy and you can define different hit types as different parameters (I have different accuracy for melee, ranged, and magic) and itemEva is used for dodge and you can have multiple based on the hit type. 

Nice! ^^