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(2 edits)

That would be a bit difficult as there are several scenes scattered on many different buttons that have dialogue calling him a girl and Gomamon reaction to that specifically. Heck, it is a part of the human protagonist too as he is having fun with Goma mainly because he thinks of him as a girl at the start. I would need to rewrite dialogue and many paragraphs about it and hope not to miss anything, so I would keep it. I hope it isn't too much of a turn off for you and I do hope you will like the future updates of this game. ^^

Edit: Saw your review and I thank you for that. =D But yup, like I said, it is integral to the character. Pretty much used my own perspective there in all honesty as there was once a time where I only looked at girls in a sexual manner and not males like Gomamon, but over time my sexual orientation changed from heterosexual to cutesexual, meaning I love to lewd all the cute things too. =3 So that seeped in the making of this. I found it a fun little topic to have.


Ah, I see, I see. 

My apologies for inquiring about such a large task, I would hate to overwork you. 

"i hope it isn't too much of a turn off" 

Well, no, it's not too much of one, it's just the occasional "oh.", and then I just keep playing anyway, it's completely fine, just a minor... I guess I could say inconvenience? 

But, nevertheless, if it's part of the human character, then I'll deal with it, as it isn't too much of a problem, love your game! 


Yup it is. It actually is important in the Special Scene 3 too. Kind of like, he might normally not be into guys, but he is into Gomamon and cares more for him than anyone else. Kind of framed as a sweet moment as our human protagonist feels hurt at the idea of parting ways with Gomamon after going through the final Fire Wall. So, I am making use of it. ^^ I personally hope you like that scene. It is already in the game if I remember it correctly.